Respect, Recognition and Representativeness! Essential Reflections From The LGBTQ+ Pride Month
Pride month

Respect, Recognition and Representativeness! Essential Reflections From The LGBTQ+ Pride Month

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June is important for the rainbow flag community. It is LGBTQ+ Pride Month: a time for people to celebrate love but also reflect on the changes society needs to face.

Every week this month, starting this Saturday, we’ll post an article on important matters concerning the LGBTQ+ community that we need to talk about. 

We’ll kick off this conversation from the beginning: how did June become such an important month for the community and why we must talk about respect, recognition and representativeness of the LGBTQ+ in the fashion industry.

How June Became LGBTQ+ Pride Month

Everything began in 1969, with the Stonewall Uprising in Manhattan. 

Back at the time, being gay in most parts of the USA, including NYC, was against the law. Even though, there was a very popular bar within the LGBTQ+ community: the Stonewall Inn. 

The police turned a blind eye to what was happening at the bar. However, on June 28th, they decided to break into the bar and arrested several patrons, especially transvestites and drag queens because they wore clothes considered to be of the opposite sex.

The others that were there rebelled, threw objects at the police and set fire. When firefighters arrived, the rebels excused themselves. It was just the beginning of a revolution.

In the next 5 days, the group that used to regularly go to Stonewall, gathered in front of the bar to protest the violence against the LGBT+ community. And thus the month and International Day of LGBT Pride were born.

Pride Parade

LGBTQ Parade
NYC Pride Parade on 2018. Photo: Tristan Billet/ Unsplash

All over the world, the LGBTQ+ community gathered together in the biggest city to walk along celebrating, proudly, who they are. 

New York, São Paulo, London, Rio de Janeiro, LA, Miami, Paris and Lisbon. They are just some of the cities that stage in June the colorful party which gathers millions worldwide.  

This year’s NYC Pride theme is “The Fight Continues”. And, indeed it does. Even after all of these times, homosexuals face different kinds of prejudices. From their families, in their work, on the streets. 

That’s why we need to keep talking about LGBTQ+ community struggles, what they face and what prejudices there’s still to fight. 

LGBTQ+ Pride Month: The 3 R’s We Can’t Forget

Respect, Recognition and Representativeness! 

We are in 2021 and, more than ever, we need to remind ourselves that homosexuals must be treated as equals. Someone’s sexual orientation has nothing to do with their working abilities, love, faith, loyalty, or character. 

In this Pride Month, FASHINNOVATION wants to reinforce those 3 important words that need to be kept in the fashion industry’s agenda but, also, in society as a whole. 


Regardless of skin tone, sexual orientation and origin, everyone must be treated equally. There’s no “but” and there’s no “exception”. 

Respect is the basis of every relationship and it needs to be part of our society’s values. 

Intolerance, disrespect and prejudice are not tolerated anymore. With honesty, fight, pride and strength, the LGBTQ+ community has shown that they deserve everything they have achieved and every right they have conquered. 


Historically, the LGBTQ+ community has been marginalized in different ways. It was common that they were not recognized for their work and achievements. However, that is enough!

Recognition is basic. Recognition of rights and personal and professional growth. There is no way to disentangle respect from recognition – nor from representation that we are going to talk about below.

No wonder the month of June is so important for the community. It’s the moment they have to scream with pride and claim for rights that still need to be won. Therefore, talking about these matters is essential.


Not only in the fashion industry, but in advertising in general, in public positions and relevant jobs in companies, the LGBTQ+ community needs to be more represented. They need to feel part of it, see themselves in what they are going to buy and see that their demands are being heard.

As we mentioned, sexual orientation doesn’t say anything about dedication and good work. Therefore, representativeness is another watchword that we need to keep on the radar and demand from the industry, brands and companies.

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Check out our article about how fashion reflects social changes.

Júlia Vilaça

Head of Content & Social Media

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Júlia Vilaça

Head of Content & Social Media

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