Is sustainability back in style
Sustainability is more than a trend

Sustainability in 2022 Is Back In Style?

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The earth is dying. Wintertime feels like summer, shortages are becoming a constant occurrence. Despite that, we are making changes to put a stop to that. That change is starting in the fashion industry by sustainability. Read more to find out.

Historical perspective

The term ‘sustainable development’ first appeared in an official document signed by thirty-three African countries in 1969, under the auspices of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

The report known as the Brundtland Report and Our Common Future made by countries apart of the United Nations.

The Environmental Protection Agency set up in the United States whose guidelines have had a huge impact on developing theories and practices in global environmental policies.


The law that constituted the NEPA (the National Environmental Policy Act from 1969), defined sustainable development as: ‘economic development that may have benefits for current and future generations without harming the planet’s resources or biological organisms’.

A familiar dress code

Fashion. What comes to mind when that is said? Dressing, makeup, vouge, runway? There’s something that is not talked about enough within the fashion world which is making sure sustainability values are upheld. It is key that the new fashion trend or color of 2022 is sustainability. Read more to find out.

Fashion trends that are a no go

Sustainability has to do with Slow fashion.

Slow fashion is the concept as workers consistently treated fairly. Clothing items tend to be more expensive. A safer environment is provided compared to the demands of fast fashion.

Factories are falling apart killing many people due to bad regulations, overproduction to avoid empty inventories, a massive carbon footprint, water pollution, and much more.

In Bangladesh, the legal minimum wage for workers in the fashion and textile industry is 50 cents a day for 14-16 hours a day.

How and why it continues to happen. Money talks as fast fashion is a lucrative industry. It is worth 3 trillion dollars as you can read more from https://fashinnovation.nyc/fashion-industry-statistics/.  Not many companies are able to get a piece of the pie money wise leading to millions of workers getting close to nothing as payment.  

Want to know more about fast fashion? Read it at.

Eat your greens and be cautious

Sometimes you never know who is a part of the fast-fashion cult. Below are some stores that are…In order to keep the fight going for sustainability avoid shopping at Missguided, Old Navy by GAP, Zara, Fashion Nova, Forever 21, Boohoo, and more.

Other sustainability stores you can shop at it is Patagonia and United By Blue Casual.  Shoppers purchase an item every 5.5 days. 82 pounds of textile are wasted as only 36% of the material is used out. r. This consumption demand has driven fashion retailers to produce almost twice the amount of clothing than they did in 2000. 

Contributions for sustainability

You can also do these methods to help be cautious with your fashion and contribute to a sustainable future.

The 30 wears test which was inspired by Livia Firth, the founder of Eco-Age (a company that certifies brands for their sustainability).

She started a movement to purchase a singular item if it stands out from the rest. Have an open mind while shopping. You can participate in rental fashion which has been rising up in popularity.

The one-in, a one-out policy which is when you purchase something you donate an item keeping a nice cycle. Leads take care of your clothing so it can last longer and you save your own money at the same time. Learning how to repair your own clothing is a money opportunity for your own self. 

Sustainability is the future 

Some may argue recycling can be a solution for unwanted items however it’s not as simple as that. Because of the different materials, clothing composed of it is hard to recycle. For instance, materials such as polyester, cotton, viscose, wool, and more are hard to break down individually. Finally, throwing it away bunched up makes the process even harder.  

Change isn’t going to come from the fashion industry. Especially with how wealthy a lot of the people who benefit only change that happens is with the people. Promotions on billboards and advertisements o. It has to come from the people. From you and me, the people who get these industries rich. Let’s make the year 2022 the year the foundation of fast fashion changes up and gets shaken up forever.   

Nicholas Fantauzzi
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Nicholas Fantauzzi
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