Circular Economy: Is it a solution?
Sustainability & Thrifting

Circular Economy: Is it a solution to 2000 problems?

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The concept behind the circular economy is based on the model of production of reuse and repair. It’s a model that involves recycling already existing materials and products as long as possible and can make the fashion industry more sustainable.

Circular Economy Solutions

Another feature of this economic system in the fashion industry is that it’s also based on fair and decent working conditions. Furthermore, the proper use of energy, water, and other natural resources.

Circular economy 1

Some companies use the politics of the circular economy for sustainable development. The manners adopted by these companies can include a circular design, which has a better environmental and social performance. The features of the circular designs can also contribute to a great value and strengthen the brand.

The impacts of the circular economy on the environment

The planet can be affected in many ways by the fashion industry, and the circular economy works to make more conscious consumption. This practice can be a solution to reduce the impacts of the fashion sector, especially the so-called fast fashion.

The most attractive prices have a huge negative impact on the environment. Because of the mass production, the clothes are made with low-quality fabric. It means that this industry makes clothes with short service life, and it causes a high production of trash, thus, polluting the environment.

The pollution of the environment with textile products is a huge problem. Textile production can be responsible for 20% of global clean water pollution, and it’s from dyeing and finishing products. The circular economy works to decrease these numbers.

How to collaborate with the circular economy?

It’s essential to highlight that the circular economy requires cooperation between and within big organizations and very influential people. They need to be aware of the impacts of the fashion industry in general on the environment and adopt the concept of the circular economy. Although, governments, companies, workers, and also consumers can also with this economic system.

Circular Economy 1 Alt

1 – Minimize the waste

The consumer has a big role in the economy, and this actor can change the market by using the purchasing power as waste prevention. A zero-waste approach can help the consumers to maximize the health of the environment, by influencing low consumption and avoiding frequent shopping.

2 – Second-hand shop

But if you really want to shop, second-hand may be a very sustainable solution. The circular economy plans the processes to increase the useful life of raw materials. You can help with this concept by shopping at second-hand stores, for example. This practice helps save water and reduce waste.

3 – Political changes

As said before, people who have the power of influence have to be in front of this economic system. The government in general needs to be one of the main actors of the sustainable debates to start changes in society. Also, the political participation coming from the people can instigate the government to introduce policies that encourage recycling and reuse. With political support, a lot of companies may adopt circular economy features.

Did you like this article? Don’t forget to watch the panel about “Fashion Is More Than Clothing: Expect The Unexpected”!

Júlia Dara

Content Producer

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Júlia Dara

Content Producer

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