The Ultimate Eco-Friendly Swap That Will Help You Live an Easier Sustainable Life
Making sustainable choices

The Ultimate Eco-Friendly Swap That Will Help You Live an Easier Sustainable Life

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“Empowering consumers with better information so they can make the right choice for their values without sacrificing their style or breaking the bank.” These were Lex Kiefhaber’s words. The Founder and CEO of United by Zero won the 6th Worldwide Talks Pitch Competition. With one click, his company can help you make better shopping choices. It’s an eco-friendly swap tool that you should have as an ally. 

But, before we explore United by Zero’s tool and how it can be a life-changer for you, let’s have a better view of the importance of doing eco-friendly swaps. 

Sustainable Fashion: A Consumer Demand; a necessity of all

Like all market segments, fashion needs to adapt to many consumers’ more conscious consumption mode. The concept of sustainable or total green fashion has become popular in recent years, as many customers are focusing on sustainability in their purchases and charging brands with ecological positioning. If you hope to reach this audience, you will have to adjust your fashion collection.

With the new market demands, entrepreneurs who insist on building a company with rooted ecological values have also emerged. So, more and more, we have fully sustainable brands from birth.

Even so, fast fashion and brands like Shein end up becoming extremely attractive, both because they are much cheaper and because they are better known. Therefore, some consumers choose to buy from them without even exploring other options that the market has to offer because they don’t know what options are out there.

Eco-Friendly Swap

What’s an Eco-Friendly Swap

Actions are the key to behavior change. When we are talking about adopting a more sustainable life, this is linked to the daily changes that one needs to make in their routine.

Opting for eco-friendly dry cleaning, avoiding unnecessary purchases, opting for reusable absorbents, pencils made from wood scraps… the actions that we can take are numerous.

Eco-friendly swap speaks precisely of these daily exchanges for more sustainable options and products. And, of course, that includes clothes shopping.

Lack of awareness vs. Lack of action

We are constantly talking about people’s lack of awareness of environmental issues. And, really, we still don’t live in the best of scenarios where most understand the importance of sustainable choices. However, in recent years, this situation has changed positively.

Nonetheless, there’s another lack that we must highlight. There’s no point in having people understand the importance of sustainability but not acting towards it.

It turns out that, for practicality, convenience and cost, many people opt for the best-known fast fashion brands. Discovering new brands is not an easy process, but there are some tools out there that can help you. That’s why initiatives such as the Fashionnovation Brand Directory and the United by Zero browser extension can help change this scenario.

Meet United By Zero 

United by Zero can help you do an eco-friendly swap most easily. Its browser extension allows you to use your favorite styles as the gateway to discovering ethical alternatives. Take a look at how it works in the video below.

The extension download is free. United by Zero scientifically verifies everyday items’ social and environmental impact for it to work. Scoring individual products makes it harder for businesses to hide claims and easier for shoppers to find brands.

Every item with a Z-Score signals sustainable quality measured by science, not wishful thinking. Let’s better understand how Z-Score works.

Z-Score: Your Partner On The Eco-Friendly Swap

United by Zero evaluates products across hundreds of data points representing seven critical categories of sustainability: 

  • Chemical use
  • Water use
  • Supply chain transparency
  • Circularity
  • Humanity
  • Animal welfare
  • C02 and energy use

Their technology utilizes multiple data sources and points that result in the Z-Score. Customers can personalize it by ranking what’s most important to them. The score considers what its science team says is important for sustainability and what consumers tell United by Zero they care about most. Therefore, the extension allows you to discover brands and products aligned with your values.

Summing it up, Z-score brings transparency to commerce, so you can shop with conviction. Download the browser extension and start shopping sustainability with just one click!

Read our article about Shein: The Dilemma & Controversies of the “ultra-fast fashion”.

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