Foundry Powered by IFA Paris
Sean Kernan in Mind Cafe

Foundry Powered by IFA Paris in 2019

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The fashion industry is growing and foundry day-by-day with new creators and innovators bridging the gap between technology and fashion.

Foundry Powered in The Industry

With the industry progressing, it is important to have places that creators can use to cultivate their ideas. Foundry is the first fashion tech innovation lab in Paris that strives to use their platform to push the boundaries of fashion tech.

Foundry Powered

Foundry powered by IFA Paris is shifting the industry to solve problems that could improve fashion in the long run. They encourage this shift in the industry by providing spaces, programs and access to a community of people who have extensive knowledge on fashion, tech and entrepreneurship.

With Foundry being the first fashion tech lab in Paris, it is changing how fashion is seen in Paris and facilitating a conversation on how tech can improve issues in the industry.

It allows entrepreneurs, startups and students to work with each other to create game-changing ideas. The workspaces it offers are designed to foster creativity for those space members. There are 3 spaces that are specifically designed for members in different sectors of the fashion tech journey.

There is a space for startups and entrepreneurs to create their vision, a space for Foundry members and guests to make solutions and a demo space where people come together for fashion tech masterclasses and events. All of these spaces come together to allow future fashion makers to experience cutting-edge technology featured in the makerspace.

The Startup Program at Foundry Powered by IFA Paris

The Startup Program at Foundry Powered by IFA Paris is a 6-month program that supports future entrepreneurs in starting their own businesses.

It is meant for anyone who has solutions for problems within the fashion industry that are technologically disruptive. Anybody with a plan and the ambition to see it through can apply for this program. Through the program, you will learn the foundations of a startup and how to turn a plan into a practical business opportunity.

Besides it being the first to pioneer fashion tech, another special thing about Foundry is how it focuses on using tech to create change in areas like sustainability.

IFA Paris is an international fashion school that offers students a range of courses. It was one of the first schools to include fashion tech as its primary curriculum and pushes the importance of sustainability in fashion. It plans on launching a program solely for fashion sustainability soon.


The opportunities offered by IFA Paris are enormous and incredible, given how much they can teach about fashion and its ramifications, as well as a well-developed space and unparalleled attention to their students, making them probably one of the best opportunities for those who want to learn more about the world of fashion.

IFA Paris and the Technology

Issues such as technology, Artificial Intelligence and sustainability – treated with priority, and not just loose ends – make IFA Paris an environment where new branches of fashion gain prominence and emerge with what we love: innovation.

Foundry Powered by IFA Paris is breaking boundaries by teaching their members and non-members how to live in a world that promotes creativity through the use of AI and VR-not just pen and paper.

After all this, it’s easy to understand why IFA Paris has everything to do with Fashinnovation’s proposal, right?

If you want to learn more about Foundry or how to apply to their Startup Program, check out their website here. And stay up-to-date on all things fashinnovation by following our blog!

Editor: Ashanti Brown

If you want know more about the Fashion World, Follow us in: FASHINNOVATION

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