Shopping Sustainably Can Be Practical and Interesting. Learn How!
Sean Kernan in Mind Cafe

Shopping Sustainably Can Be Practical and Interesting. Learn How!

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Shopping sustainably it’s not always easy. We’ve given some tips on how to shop sustainably. Even though, we know that finding eco-social-conscious brands or even getting to know other companies out there can be challenging.

The ethical and sustainable clothing market is growing and there’s a lot of inspiring brands out there. Consuming sustainably is important and there are many ways to do it in a practical way, without spending a lot of time trying to find companies that align with your values.

Sustainable Shopping: Why Should You Do It

According to The World Bank, the fashion industry is responsible for about 10% of global carbon emissions, and nearly 20% of water waste. But, unfortunately, there is more. Fashion production uses more energy than both aviation and shipping combined. If you don’t know about how much planes and boats consume, to sum it up, it’s a lot.

Shopping Sustainably

Along with that, textile waste all over the world is an incoming problem. An example is NYC garments that are thrown away. They get to the size of the Empire State Building if put together.

Eco-conscious brands give attention to some values that can help to change this reality. Once they are concerned with the quality of the products, they make them with much longer durability. As a consequence, their products take longer – or sometimes never – to go to waste. You can reseal clothes in thrift shops, change them for something new or even pass it on to your children and friends.

In addition, during the production process, sustainable companies are concerned with producing the least impact possible on the planet. Thus, they use fabric in a smart way, emit less polluting gases, deforest less, and so on.

What Might Be Stopping You From Shopping Sustainably

Fast Company released a study of 1,000 American adults on behalf of bioengineering company Genomatica. The research highlighted that people care about consuming sustainably, but, on the other hand, their willingness and ability to impose green habits is not that strong. 

The majority polled said they try to make sustainable choices. But what might be stopping them from shopping in a sustainable way? Here are some of the myths we have to fight against in order to make our purchase eco-conscious.

1. Shopping sustainably is expensive

Just like buying organic food is more expensive, shopping sustainably is as well. Of course, there is still sustainable fashion democratization that we need to work on. Even though, if you have the privileges of looking at your purchases in the long term, a sustainable blouse is designed to outline the one you buy by $2. Putting quality ahead of quantity is the secret!

2. Ethical fashion is not available in my size

Diversity is one of the fashion industry’s issues that is now being discussed. Even though, when it comes to sustainable brands, there are those who take care of the environment and also embrace diversity. Also, if there’s a brand that doesn’t have products of your size, demand this from them! Brands are more than ever listening to their consumers. We know it might be tiring asking for such a matter. To change this reality we have to make some moves not only as part of the industry but as consumers as well.

3. My purchase won’t have a behemoth impact 

As a Tanzanian proverb says “little by little, a little becomes a lot”. A drop of water can’t change the ocean but together can make a wave. In other words, if everyone does their part, we can make a change.

4. It’s hard to find sustainable brands

Well, this one is simple, let others do the research for you! Technology has come to help us in our daily lives and shopping sustainably can’t be different. Fairify is the perfect tool that can help you find brands in an easy way.

Fairify: The Smart Solution That Will Help You Shop Sustainably

Farify’s mission is to reduce the impact of consumer products, by providing the best information they can. They are a free Chrome extension that gives sustainable alternatives when online shopping and helps to discover new brands. 

The company is not only focused on stopping greenwashing but also reducing environmental impact through promoting sustainable shopping practices. They help consumers save time when finding the perfect brand as well as helping brands to improve their sustainable practices. 

Thinking about the planet, people, and animals, Farify’s extension values brands that are transparent. Therefore, their plugin shows which brands act well on those pillars. And, If a store has a bad rating, Fairify shows consumers similar alternatives that do act sustainably. 

The Sustainability Scan for Brands: a Way to Help Fashion Entrepreneurs

On May 17th, Fairify is launching a sustainability scan that offers companies a way to process and organize their data. With it, companies can measure how they are doing in terms of width and can also identify flaws, hotspots, and opportunities. Then, communicate this to consumers through the plugin. The scan functions as their personal dashboard to gain a grip on sustainability performance. 

How Fairify’s Sustainable Scan Works

To go through the sustainability scan, clothing companies can fill it out with their sustainability data. Then, Fairify verifies the information and, with it, awards points according to the companies actions and practices. If a brand gets an A or B, that means they are sustainable and can be suggested for consumers in the plugin. But if it gets a C, D, or E, that means they need improvement, and Fairify can also help them become more transparent and sustainable. Stay tuned to the communication channels for more information!

Technology is proving to be the key to promote the necessary transformation in the fashion industry, especially regarding sustainability and entrepreneurship. With that, new projects have emerged. Take a look at our post on “Sustainable Projects Within the Fashion Industry”!

Júlia Vilaça

Head of Content & Social Media

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Júlia Vilaça

Head of Content & Social Media

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