Sociology of Fashion: Does Fashion Influence Our Social Behavior?
Sociology of Fashion: Does Fashion Influence Our Social Behavior?
Social Changes & Cultural Behavior

Sociology of Fashion: Does Fashion Influence Our Social Behavior in 2022?

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From a pair of sneakers to a t-shirt to a ballroom dress, it is all fashion! Writers first began journaling about fashion sociology around the 19th century which broadcasted the levels of fashion and how it differentiated from social classes. The upper social classes dressed differently than the lower social classes which showed their economic position and this still goes on in our present day.

Fashion Sociology

The sociology of fashion has greatly impacted the way our society moves today. This blog post will explain how fashion influences human sociology and how the development of past and current trends have a sociological affectation. 

Do you think our clothes, style and fashion sense influence our life and behavior?

Read more for a deep dive into the sociology of fashion!

What is Sociology of Fashion?

Firstly, sociology means “the study of society, human social interaction, and the rules and processes that bind and separate people, not only as individuals, but as members of associations, groups, and institutions”. Societal rules and people undeniably influence one another.

Sociology of Fashion

These societal rules are enforced. Specialists call them formal and informal sanctions. Formal sanctions are the rules that the government writes. An example is the requirement of clothing in public places. On the other hand, society gives the Informal sanctions rules. In this case, people follow them so other individuals can look at them as the societal norm.

Fashion is a reaction to our social rules and speaks on behalf of the community. There is social capital in embodying wealth or religious attire. 

For instance, feminism in fashion appears differently in the West and East cultures. Feminism in fashion in the West shows that clothes can expose skin and body parts, but that doesn’t allow sexual objectification. While in the East, specifically in Arabic communities, feminism in fashion is shown through modesty and ensures control of how the body is visually observed. 

However, different cultural views are present in all parts of the world. Fashion can show our mood and culture as if it is speaking for us before we verbally say anything.

The Language and Media of Fashion Sociology

The language of clothes deals with how a piece of clothing serves as a form of communication. Humans are always judging one another for how they act, but especially how they are clothed. Therefore, fashion depends on people’s psychology as it is said that people are convinced that their mood depends on the clothes they choose. One’s clothes hold meaning and history. So when someone evolves their wardrobe, it often means a start of a new path in their life.

When it comes to first impressions it is said that 90% are based on one’s appearance. People tend to socialize with others who are alike in gender, race, culture and academic level. This goes into play for fashion sociology when it comes to the surge of social media influencers and brand ambassadors. 

Social media is the fastest and most convenient form of communication in this day and age. Influencers and brand ambassadors have been popularized and monetized due to their ability to generate more sales and clicks to a business from selfies. 

Sociology of Fashion

Celebrities and online models promote clothing through images with the help of their lifestyles. In a certain way, this practices try to convince followers that wearing the same fashion clothes could make them feel included, fashionable and even trendy.

In Conclusion: Do Our Clothes Influence Our Behavior?

The answer to if our clothes influence our social behavior is: Yes! Fashion sociology includes functions and characteristics that make it a complex phenomenon 

If you found this article interesting, you should read more about the 5 Social Changes That Reflect On Fashion

* Opinions expressed by Fashinnovation contributors are their own.

Jordan Clarke

Content Writer

Jordan Clarke

Content Writer

read 5 min
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