Grow a Clothing Business
Entrepreneurship Tips

8 Tips to Grow a Strong Clothing Business in eCommerce Era

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Have you ever wondered the step by step on how to Grow a Clothing Business?

If you are running a clothing business or want to know more about hot to grow a clothing business, you might think of ways to expand. However, in today’s eCommerce era, growth is not all about opening new shops in your city and entering new countries but attracting more visitors to your online store. Here are some tips that will help you on your way.

How to Grow a Clothing Business: Understand what you want for your brand

Clothing Bussines How

To start with your clothing bussines, it’s good to understand your target market, who your competition is, and what your vision and long-term goals are. This means that you have a foundation upon which you can build further and a business model to follow. Decide if you want to try dropshipping, make custom garments, or start your own label. Establishing a mission for your clothing company will inspire you and your employees to work harder.

Decide which channels you will use in your clothing bussines

While deciding on your goals and planning your approach, you also want to pick the channels you will use to reach new customers. There are a few methods you can try out if you aren’t already relying on them. For one, if your website is your main store, you want to use social media as much as possible to drive visitors to it. Include a link in your bio and add it to your stories on Instagram, for example.

On the other hand, you can also try a sales channel that your target audience has been using to shop for a while. Shopify and Vinted are just a few marketplaces to consider no matter if you’re selling vintage clothing or have a limited edition collection. If you’re a small business and want to create tailored pieces, you can also work under the Moda clothing brand and sell your products in over 20 countries.

Clothing Bussines E Commerce

Make the customer experience your priority

If you’re attracting customers to your website, you want to ensure you’re providing them with a stellar experience. You want visitors to find what they’re looking for fast so you need to organize and tag everything properly, introduce categories and easy navigation, and include a search bar. Moreover, you want a smooth checkout process, quick delivery, and simple returns.

You can also allow customers to pick up what they bought in one of your stores if you have any. For customer service, you need to be available in various ways. You should cover everything from phone and email to live chat and social media. Finally, you want to provide a few payment methods, such as by debit or credit card or via an e-wallet like PayPal.

Stay on top of trends

As part of the fashion industry, you already know how important staying on top of trends is. However, the trends of fashion eCommerce might be a bit different from what you are used to. For example, some aspects you should keep up with include social shopping and providing digital solutions for choosing the best size. Trends come and go, and if you plan on doing this yourself, you must be in touch with the latest news.

Focus on inclusivity in your assortment

When looking to grow your business, you can try expanding into markets you haven’t reached. For example, if you haven’t been producing plus-size clothing, you should consider becoming more inclusive. This opens you up to a whole new audience, and as Rihanna’s Savage x Fenty shows have demonstrated, diversity and inclusion can go very far.

Work on your sustainability efforts

In addition to diversity, sustainability can also have a big effect on your business. Almost 70% of consumers nowadays care about where their clothes are coming from and how they are impacting the environment while 60% are putting effort into upcycling and reusing clothes. To make the most of this, look for ways to create garments that are eco-friendly or for other ways to protect the environment, like recycled and recyclable packaging.

Include upselling and cross-selling

Businesses that want to sell more products and grow in the terms of profit tend to include methods like upselling and cross-selling in their strategy. Upselling means offering potential customers a product that is slightly better and more expensive than the one they’re currently viewing. On the other hand, the method of cross-selling entails offering similar products to those that are being viewed. For example, create a whole outfit.

Encourage customer reviews to Grow a Clothing Business

Finally, it’s important to get plenty of customer reviews. Encourage your visitors to leave a review as it can not only help you get noticed by more people but build your authority as well. As only 12% of people ignore comments and reviews, this can be just what you need to grow. No matter if the feedback is good or bad, you need to reply. Deal with the negative ones by seeing how you can improve to fix the issue that was encountered.

Growing a clothing business as an eCommerce can be challenging if you don’t know where to start. However, with these tips in mind, it should not be as difficult.

*written by Eve Anderson

Editor’s Note: The opinions expressed here by Fashinnovation’s columnists are their own, not those of Fashinnovation.

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